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2M Monde【直播】 | 换一个

2M Monde【直播】

2M live is a Moroccan-owned free-to-air television channel. It was founded by ONA, a royal-owned conglomerate. The network was then sold to part of the Moroccan government. Atlas Benjelloun’s holding company SNI owns 45.3% of 2M. The Moroccan state controls approximately 32.5%. It is located in Casablanca. 2M live 是一家摩洛哥免费电视频道。它由皇家企业集团 ONA 创立。该网络随后被出售给摩洛哥政府的一部分。Atlas Benjelloun 的控股公司 SNI 拥有 2M 的 45.3% 股份。摩洛哥国家控制着约 32.5% 的股份。它位于卡萨布兰卡。